From 2012 - 2016, Dan was the Project Director for Auckland’s award winning Wynyard Quarter waterfront precinct renewal.
Wynyard Quarter Central Precinct
The Wynyard Quarter is Auckland’s premier new waterfront destination, a mixed use precinct which is transforming a former marine industrial area on reclaimed land.
Dan was Project Director for Waterfront Auckland (now part of Auckland’s urban renewal agency Eke Panuku Development Auckland) which was the public sector agency responsible for the redevelopment. He led a team that delivered public realm upgrades, commercial strategy and arrangements with several project developers to deliver the key elements of the masterplan. These included Auckland Theatre Company to deliver a new theatre and two of New Zealand’s leading property developers - Precinct Properties for commercial office and Willis Bond for residential apartment projects. Dan was also responsible for the real estate approach for the Grid AKL Innovation Precinct, which forms the core of the commercial office use in Wynyard Quarter, and delivery of a heritage building redevelopment as the stage 1 seed project.
A bespoke Greenstar rating was developed for the precinct and the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia’s IS rating tool was also utilised for the first time in New Zealand..
First Nations: the project is located on reclaimed land in the Waitemata Harbour, an area of interest to several of the local Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland indigenous tribes, known as mana whenua iwi. Fortnightly engagement with mana whenua representatives and inclusion of cultural interpretive elements within design, were both memorable features of Dan’s time in New Zealand - approaches he has sought to bring to projects since returning to Australia.
Scale: c.50,000sqm commercial space, c.400 apartments, a 660 seat theatre, retail spaces and several public realm upgrades across a 10+Ha area of former marine industrial reclaimed land.
Project Developers: Precinct Properties (office), Willis Bond (residential), and the Auckland Theatre Company (public theatre).
Key Partners and Stakeholders: Auckland Council, Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development (now Tātaki Auckland Unlimited), the Local Board, community stakeholders including the significant marine sector. Early work by Waterfront Auckland that Dan was involved in has set up the long-term regeneration of Auckland’s waterfront for great success.
Commercial Arrangements: Development Agreements and Ground Leases with developers, traditional design and separately construction contracting for public realm capital works
Design: Architectus, Warren & Mahoney, Athfield, Moller, Studio Pacific, Landlab, Wraight & Associates
A key economic initiative of the Wynyard Quarter redevelopment is the new Auckland Innovation Precinct, known as Grid AKL. Delivered across several buildings, it brings together R&D, start-up’s, an incubator and established local and multi-national businesses.
Dan was responsible for developing the real estate strategy to deliver the required floorspace while the partner economic development agency (Auckland Toursim Events and Economic Development) curated and operated the precinct, including sourcing the businesses to move into the precinct.
Delivery of the floorspace included a heritage building refurbishment for stage 1 building, and working with New Zealand’s leading commercial office developer and investor, Precinct Properties, to deliver Stage 2 and beyond.
Grid AKL Innovation Precinct
The first stage seed project for Grid AKL was for the start-up hub. Dan oversaw the heritage refurbishment of the John Lysaght building from design through delivery, including leasing and partnership arrangements with Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development.
The design and construction of the c.2000sqm project involved earthquake strengthening of the heritage warehouse structure, and the addition of a new mezzanine level to double the floor area.
Scale: c.2000sqm / $10m (Stage 1)
Design: Warren and Mahoney
Commercial Arrangements: traditional design and separate construction contracting
Grid AKL Stage One
Westhaven Promenade
The project opened up a previously inaccessible water’s edge to the public, providing a continuous 'shared path' along the Westhaven foreshore between Wynyard Quarter and the Auckland Harbour Bridge. The project incorporates new waters edge open spaces, interfaces with the existing working marina, and new coastal structures such as piers, observation platforms, lookouts and the ecological enhancement of the coastal margin zone. The design incorporated interpretive story, materials and graphic elements from members of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.
Scale: $9m
Design: Aspect Studios, Architectus, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
Commercial Arrangements: traditional design and separate construction contracting.